MARCH, 1999
Article I
Membership and Dues
Section 1. Any person interested in the history of
Wilkinson County, Georgia who
applies for membership in
any classification of membership and who tenders the
necessary dues shall thereby
become a member.
Section 2. Annual dues for individual active members
shall be $15.00, with one vote.
Section 3. Annual dues for a family (individual with
significant other and children living at home) shall be $20.00, with one vote.
Section 4. Annual dues for institutional members shall
be $25.00 (non-voting).
Section 5. Annual dues for contributing members shall
be $200 plus (non-voting).
Section 6. Annual dues shall be payable in advance, and
members in arrears more than six months after payment is due shall be dropped
from membership.
Article II
Schedule and Quorum for Meetings
Section 1. Regular meeting of the society shall be held
on the fourth Tuesday of each month.
Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the
Section 3. The board of directors shall meet every
other month. Special meetings of the
board of directors may be called by the chairman of the board.
Section 4. One-third of the active members of the
society shall constitute a quorum.
Article III
Duties of the Officers and Directors
Section 1. The president shall have executive
supervision over the activities of the society within the scope provided by
these bylaws. He shall preside at all
meetings. He shall report annually on
the activities of the society. He shall
appoint the members of committees and delegates not otherwise provided for.
Section 2. The president-elect shall assume
administrative duties as assigned by the president. The president-elect shall assume the duties of the president in
the event of absence, incapacity, or resignation of the president.
Section 3. The secretary shall keep the minutes of the
meetings of the society and of the board of directors, maintain a list of
members, and render an annual report.
Section 4. The treasurer shall be responsible for the
safekeeping of society funds and for maintaining adequate financial
records. He shall deposit all monies
received by him with a reliable banking company in the name of the Wilkinson
County Historical Society. Monies shall
be paid out by numbered checks signed by the treasurer and the president. The treasurer will collect dues, and shall
render an annual report based on the calendar year.
Article IV
Section 1. The society shall have the following
standing committees:
Committee—responsible for membership drives and processing new candidates for
Sites Committee—responsible for collecting, recording, and interpreting the
historic validity of the sites.
Committee—responsible for collecting, recording, and interpreting data on the
Committee—responsible for collecting, cataloging, care, arrangement, and repair
of books, manuscripts, newspapers, and other historical source material.
Committee—responsible for finding ways and means of publishing newsletters to
members and information for publicity.
Committee—responsible for collecting, recording, and interpreting data on the
families of Wilkinson County, Georgia.
Section 2. The president shall appoint members and
chairmen of the standing committees.
Section 3. Other committees, standing or special, may
be appointed by the president as directed by the society or board of directors.
Article V
Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in
{Robert’s Rules of Order, Rose Marie Cruzan’s Practical Parliamentary Procedure,
or other authority} shall govern the proceedings of the society except in such
cases as are governed by the constitution or the bylaws.
Article VI
Amendment to the Bylaws
These bylaws may be amended
at any regular or adjourned meeting by a two-thirds vote of those voting,
provided notice was given at the previous meeting. Or they may be amended at a special meeting called for that purpose,
with previous notice and a two-thirds vote.
All proposed amendments should be submitted in writing.